Three-stage raw material quality control system
With our own quality control system CNTL Milk Performance, we control the milk purchased and guarantee the factory a smooth processing and a high quality final product.
Objective evaluation and selection of reliable manufacturers
With the help of a regular audit on process maps of quality, food safety of raw materials and hygiene of production, we receive objective data that the production and conditions of animals provide stable quality indicators of milk.
Testing in our own high-tech laboratory
02Product appearance and consistency
03Color, taste and smell
04Mass fraction of fat
05Mass fraction of protein
06Density and acidity
07Thermal stability
08Freezing temperature
09Milk storage time
10Mass fraction of SMP
11Degree of purity
12Urea content
13Presence/absence of antibiotics and veterinary drugs
Testing in an independent laboratory
Periodic quality control of each batch of milk from each manufacturer by involving the services of independent accredited laboratories.
In-depth study of incoming raw milk according to indicators affecting the production of high-quality dairy products.
Over 8 years of work we formed base of reliable manufacturers of high-quality milk raw materials.
Compliance of raw materials with GOST. Antibiotic free
The quality of the supplied raw milk meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of milk and shelf products (TR TS 033/2012), the requirements of GOST R 52054-2013 “Natural cow’s milk - raw materials”, Amendment No. 2 to the GOST R 52054-2003 dated 01.09. 2017, GOST 34255-2017, GOST 31658-2012.
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